Tuhin Sikder

Who Am I?

Let’s get to know each other! Hi, my name is Tuhin Sikder.

*CEO of  TheAIPromoter.com

I am an Entrepreneur and Digital Marketer. I am also a founder and Brand Ambassador of ONPASSIVE . As a Brand Ambassador, I always strive to represent and promote our company’s products and services. This website is designed to promote and market various types of artificial intelligence-based tools and services, with a particular focus on ONPASSIVE products. All these tools and services are essential for rapidly growing any kind of business.

In 2020 I caught a dream of becoming an entrepreneur and create a lifestyle for myself and my family they truly deserve.

            Wow, thanks for actually checking out my “About Us” page! My name is Tuhin Sikder and I’m a family man, but what can I say; I also really like business ideas. I’ve always had the “problem” of going after lots of different ideas – rather than focusing on just one.

This morning you got a precious gift of a brand new day. Make today better than yesterday – learn, grow, and be a great example for others. It’s possible!

In 2020 I caught a dream of becoming an entrepreneur and create a lifestyle for myself and my family they truly deserve.

The content of this website is created to promote ONPASSIVE and digital tools and services. Most of the content is review-based, providing information about the tools or services. I am doing my best to provide accurate and ethical information about all services that are beneficial for digital entrepreneurs and all types of businesses.

See you on the inside, my friend,

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